Lets's Go Beyond!

Are you ready to connect the past with the present? Join us in exploring the other side with beyond!


Be ready to connect with the past and learn more.

What would you ask Steve Jobs, Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela if you could chat with them through an app? Sounds impossible, aye? Beyond makes it possible for you! Join us in exploring the other side.

Your Experience Gets Better And Better Over Time.

People are connected in more ways than just the physical aspect. We share culture and history even if we are sometimes on the opposite ends. When someone does something that has such a profound impact on who you are, that person becomes a part of what you are. We all have that particular person/group of people whom we haven't met but whose work has left a mark on us. With the advent of technology we have lot of options to get connected to people nowadays but what about the people who left us? What if your idol is available to chat with on your phone? You can converse with them, get to know them, understand how they think and approach a present problem. Beyond App is a unique mobile app that allows you to chat with eminent personalities who are not alive today. Beyond App is a great way to learn about the lives of famous people, to get the insights from their thinking, learn lessons about life, career and fun and ask their opinions on current affairs. You can choose to chat with people like Steve Jobs, Mahatma Gandhi, Anne Frank, or Nelson Mandela, and get the perspectives from their thoughts and experiences. Beyond App is a distinctive and fun way to connect with the past and learn more about the world we live in today.


Super minds of past recreated using AI to solve today's problems.


Pushing the limits of AI for human assistance.